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+386 4 201 07 32
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Types of business
Manufacturing companies
Trading companies
Construction and assembly companies
Companies, operating through public procurement
Analysis of the situation
Classic mediation
Mediation with optimization of costs
Mediation with optimization of costs and assessment of the adequacy of insurance values
Creation of an insurance programme for business groups
Consulting in procedures for solving complex claims
Conducting a procedure for dealing with claims
Who is an insurance broker?
Our Team
Tutor Team d.o.o.
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Strinjam se z obdelavo osebnih podatkov v skladu s pravilnikom o varstvu osebnih podatkov
I am signing up for a free insurance consultation and I agree that the company uses my personal information to respond to this message and send me the appropriate appointment dates.
Strinjam se, da podjetje moje osebne podatke shrani in uporabi za nadaljnje obveščanje o morebitnih dogodkih in novicah v skladu z varstvom osebnih podatkov.
I agree that the company saves and uses my personal information to inform me about possible events and news in accordance with the protection of personal data.
Read the
Legal notice regarding the protection of personal data
Tutor Team d. o. o.
Nazorjeva ulica 3
4000 Kranj
+386 4 201 07 32
Meet our team
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